Tuesday, May 13, 2008

one more thing

I forgot to mention-- for those of you who may have been trying to get in touch with me for the last three weeks, I screwed up the mail forwarding/ out-of-office autoreply thing. So if you have tried to e-mail me at my normal email addresses, I have not gotten your emails. Write a comment on here with your address and I'll email you.


Unknown said...

Well, I'm glad it's going so well! Your mother was down here and looked and sounded great. Gather she's got the new bathroom done. I'm just back from meeting Anna Sjogren and s.o. Joe in Israel, Cyprus and Athens--helped him get her an engagement ring! She accepted. Then Rita and I did Amsterdam-Bruge tulip cruise, and I visited Nijmegen, where I'd worked 46 years ago....
CARRY ON! Rich would be delighted with your times. Love, g

Michael said...

I want your email address!!